Thursday, May 29, 2008

News 9 Interview

We want to thank Gwen Faulkner Lippert, Melissa Maynarich, and Channel 9 for asking us to come down to their television studio and do an interview with us yesterday. They asked us to bring some glass that we blew and we set it up on a counter in front of where we stood. They did the interview live at about 4:25 pm. it lasted slightly over 3 minutes. The people there at channel 9 were really helpful and nice.

This link should take you to the video.

Once you get to the site find the "search" on the bottom right and type in, "Oklahomans focus on art, pizza" It should pop right up. Right now its under the heading of "Top Videos".
Thanks very much to Scott Newhouse for recording it for me! Scott and Hal - Mac Geniuses and longtime friends of me and Italian Jim's Pizzeria!

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